Tuesday, October 20, 2009

the resemblence is uncanny...

ladies and gentlemen, my halloween costume...

Saturday, October 17, 2009


Dear ridiculously unnecessary annoying obsessive compulsive disorder,

considering the fact that you have been kicking my ass for basically the last ten years, it would be really great if once and a while you could let me go a day or two without flaring up.

but seriously, i think it's time we started talking about getting a divorce.


Thursday, October 15, 2009

i have no words

last night i had the immense honor of sitting less than 20ft away from this man while he played his beautiful music

Tuesday, October 13, 2009


and apparently neither will the umbrella i was using today

The aforementioned DVD
if i could be granted one superhero power, i would ask for the power of restraint... as in the power to restrain myself from spending obcene amounts of money on things i really don't need.

Prime example of why i need this power:
over the last month or so I have developed a serious obsession for the book "Generation Kill" and the mini-series with the same name that was based on the book. This sprung from my love for all things Alexander Skarsgard, which sprung from my mild fascination with the show True Blood.
I was able to download all of the episodes online and my roommate and i proceeded to watch them frequently, always on the look out for any news or extras about our favorite characters and actors.
At first, having the episodes on my computer was enough for me. They were pretty good quality and I felt they could hold me over until I was able to get the DVDs for Christmas or some other holiday that involved presents. I use the past tense because yesterday that all went out the window.
For some reason, most stores don't carry Generation Kill on DVD. While I kind of like this, because it means that my liking the show is somewhat original, it has also aided in me resisting going out and buying the DVDs. But a trip to Best Buy killed all of that. Upon entering the store i was able to find the DVDs and once I had it in my hand i simply couldn't put it down.
And this is how I ended up spending $58.00 on a DVD set I knew I could get for Christmas or would be cheaper if i just ordered it from Amazon.

So please... If someone could teach me restraint I would really appreiciate it... my bank account really can't handle this anymore...

Thursday, October 8, 2009

is this thing on?

Clearly i am horrible about keeping this thing updated. Back in April when i started this blog my intention was to update daily at least, by now it's been over a month since my last post.

It would be impossible to recap everything (and i truly don't have time to), but here is a short list of what has basically occured:
  • I moved into my apartment - I cannot explain how much I love living in Cambridge. my roommate Natalie and i get along fabulously (we were friends before we moved in together). I am going to be very sad when she graduates in May and I am forced to live with some sucky replacement who won't watch Generation Kill Marathons with me.
  • School started - Classes are... classes. as my third year here at Emerson i'm kind of over it, but i am doing my best not to let myself get bogged down with school work. i'm also proud to say that for the first time i'm not leaving all of my assignments for the last minute.
  • Sigma-dness - My reign as president has officially begun and while i may not be calm at all times i think i am handling my position well. My sisters are fantastic, plans are in the works, and i'm becoming more and more familiar with the other greeks at my school. And to think it's only October. Who knows what the year will bring.
That's the real important stuff. In the background of course there is my ongoing Alexander Skarsgard obsession which has only gotten worse since i posted his picture back in August. The only thing on my mind now is the fact that in less than a week I will be in the same room as Andrew McMahon... i could die...

I promise I will try to update more. Stay Tuned.