Thursday, April 23, 2009

Things Currently Keeping Sara Sane...

1. being on the 5th page of my 10pg paper (due monday)
2. my ipod
3. the really good bagels i ate today
4. sunday's weather forecast and picnic plans
5. the fact that i'm slowly but surely crossing things off my to do list
6. ichat conversations
7. this picture:

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Sara's life goal

To live in a loft in New York City with my favorite Big. One wall will be a massive bookshelf with one of those rolling ladders and the others will be covered in art and photographs. We will have the most comfortable couches ever and on rainy days we will skip school/work in order to read while listening to The Mountain Goats.
Because I'm a giant idiot and decided not to do any work this weekend, i'll probably end up dying from stress sometime in the near future. I basically have to devote every second of my life not spent in class either writing papers (2 research & 3 creative), studying for 3 finals, or figuring out how to store my stuff in Boston this summer since my father refuses to come get me. In short, as of tomorrow school owns me and has no plans of letting me go until may 6th.

Completeing all of this would be a lot easier if I actually gave a crap.

Monday, April 20, 2009

These are a few of my favorite things...

1. Music
2. Diet Coke with ice in large amounts
3. Hoodies
4. My bed
5. Salt
6. My new haircut

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Don't think twice...

I admit it...

Bob Dylan is a genius.

Friday, April 17, 2009

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Tomorrow I'll be going to my first therapy appointment in nearly two years.

Is it odd that I'm excited?

This summer's required (not really) reading list:

1. "A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius" by Dave Eggars
I always heard this book was fantastic. A discussion in one of my classes today finally convinced me I needed to read it.
2. "Perfect Fifths" by Megan McCafferty
The fifth and final book in a series I've been reading since my freshman year of high school. If I had either the money or the time i would have already read it.
3. "The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test
This book has been on my bookshelf since high school and I have yet to get passed the first page. That's going to change this summer.
4."Shiksa Goddess" by Wendy Wasserstein
A book of essays I started over Christmas break and then got too busy to finish.
5. "Me Talk Pretty One Day" by David Sedaris
Given to me as a gift, I think it's time I read more of his stuff other than "Naked".
If reincarnation is possible, I want to be reincarnated as Alisa Torres.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

"I don't think people give you enough credit," Vicki says between puffs of her cigarette.

She's sitting on the ledge of her fire escape, body half outside the apartment, in an attempt to avoid giving me cancer. It's been raining all day and we've been stuck inside in her tiny SoHo apartment with nothing but Woody Allen movies and each other as entertainment.

I shrug.

"I think only people who have been in our situation can understand it."

She nods and inhales. I continue.

"You just reach a point where enough is enough, where you're tired of constantly letting your walls down only to get fucked over again so eventually..." I trail off.

"The walls stay up."

swear i knew it all along...

Originally uploaded by annawentz

Monday, April 13, 2009

Easter Weekend Recap

I just got back from spending Easter at my aunt Vicki's/home. Rather than doing a whole big recap I decided to write about my weekend in a more creative way.

Five things Sara likes:
1. Lazy days in which nothing is done but the mass consumption of pizza and Woody Allen Movies.
2. Learning privileged information. For some reason knowing things that only a few people or no one else knows makes me feel special.
3. Hearing someone say "I can't wait till you live near me, it will be great."
4. Getting my haircut at a chic salon called "DopDop" by a stylist named "Harmony."
5. Sending texts to the person sitting next to me and then being totally obvious about it by giggling about said text with them.

Five things Sara does not like:
1. Finding out a certain person has been lying to me for quite some time.
2. Losing things (specifically coats) and then having the weather switch from beautiful to horrible over night.
3. People who won't let a conversation die even after I've made clear that I (a) will handle it (b) no longer want to talk about it (c) am upset or (d) all of the above.
4. Realizing that I should really start seeing a therapist again, but not knowing how to tell my father this without him asking me a thousand questions.
5. Not being part of something/feeling left out.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Dear self,

You are an idiot.


Monday, April 6, 2009

So can we talk about what a horrible person I am?

I have absolutely no filter on my mouth and no matter how much trouble this has gotten me into in the past, I never learn. And I'm not talking cursing. Sometimes I simply don't think before I speak and I end up looking like a complete asshole.

Exhibit A: I'm in 7th grade and my friend's horse has just died. She has only owned the horse for a month tops. In an effort to comfort her, our friends are all spouting out words of condolence. Suddenly it's my turn and I say "or maybe you should have gotten a horse that wouldn't die". We weren't friends much longer.

Exhibit B: I'm in 12th grade and living with Rich and June (my stepfather and his mother) while I finish the school year. I am all about my independence and June is all about being the nurturing ever present grandma. During a car ride she turns to me and says "I'm going to miss taking care of you" (I was moving out in a few months). Again, not thinking I reply, "well it's not like you take care of me now." While I didn't see the harm in my response, Rich flipped out and nearly kicked me out of the house. It took an hour long conversation (during which I retold the horse story) and me apologizing 5,000 times for him to calm down.

And there's today... I'm honestly surprised she didn't slap me.

Originally uploaded by megan alice.

Friday, April 3, 2009


Jared Followill (Kings Of Leon)
Originally uploaded by Pooneh!

Dear Jared Followill,

Please father my children.


Things You Really Don't Need To Know About Me

Rather than doing a whole diatrabe about myself, I decided to finally do the "25 Random Things" thing floating around Facebook.

1. I'm known to obsess about things... hardcore. If anything peaks my interest I make it my mission to know everything about it. Current obsession, Kings of Leon.

2. I was named after "Sara Smile," a song by Hall & Oates. Daryll Hall wrote it about his then girlfriend Sara Allen. She now not only has a song written about her, but a child named after her as well.

3. I have a fear of walking down a flight of stairs. If I can't hold onto a banister I have to mentally prepare myself.

4. During high school I wrote a ridiculous amount of teen angst poetry. I truly thought I was going to get published. I had a pen name picked out and everything.

5. There is a good chance if I have nothing else to do, I will be either organizing my iTunes or making a playlist. For some reason I find it relaxing.

6. I am a human pretzel. I can lock both of my ankles behind my head. If you're friends with me on Facebook, you can find photographic proof.

7. Though I love music, I am neither vocally or instrumentally inclined. It took a few years of vocal lessons, musical theater, and attempts at the trumpet, violin, clarinet, guitar, and viola to come to this conclusion.

8. Though I've been known to be kind of bossy, I have a tendency to seek out friendships where I can take the subordinate role.

9. When I'm wearing headphones I lose the ability to control the volume of my voice.

10. I used to plan my birthday party months in advance. What actually ended up happening never matched the original plans.

11. When I'm home Sunday is my favorite day of the week. Why? Because it's bagel day.

12. In sixth grade I convinced everyone at school (students and teachers alike) to call me Nikki (short for my middle name, Nicole). I conveiniently forgot to mention this to my parents, so when they went to school for parent's night they were highly confused about why people were talking to them about a girl named Nikki.

13. I'm an incredibly territorial person. I get jealous if people I conisder "mine" pay more attention to someone else. I'm the same way with my favorite bands, books, tv shows, etc.

14. Though I crush easily, I've never been in love.

15. Even though she gets on my nerves sometimes, my gramma is my favorite person in the world, followed by my aunt vicki, followed by cousin michael. I try my best to express this to them, but I don't think they know how much I love them.

16. I am a very messy person, but I love organizing.

17. My favorite part of going back to school has always been school supply shopping. Nothing makes me happier than getting new pens and notebooks.

18. Before starting and finishing high school at OLVA, the longest I'd attended the same school was for two years (kindergarden and 1st grade at Benjiman Franklin Elementry school in Edison, NJ).

19. My favorite part of having friends is probably inside jokes.

20. Nothing can make me cry like an amazing song. The last one to turn me into a blubbering idiot was "Cold Desert" by Kings of Leon.

21. "I want to be divorced and living with two children on Central Park West" - Wendy Wasserstein.

22. College has robbed me of my love of reading.

23. For some reason, crossing the Mason Dixon line turns me into a raving bitch. I don't know if it's the heat or because it's impossible to get a minute to myself when I'm in Hilton Head, but it's not a good time to be around me.

24. I'm scared shitless of the future. I'm constantly fighting off the thought that I'll never be able to become successful in the career i've chosen for myself.

25. When I started this entry, I thought it was a fantastic idea. I've come to the conclusion that I'm an idiot.

Thursday, April 2, 2009


I don't write.


That's a lie.

The truth is I'm a writing major who never takes the time to write for herself anymore. So that's what this is. I'm not sure what this blog is going to be about, but I'm hoping it somehow inspires me to like the profession I've (dumbly) chosen for myself.