Thursday, June 11, 2009

Playing Catch Up

So I kind of disappeared for a few weeks, so I figured I'd give a quick update post of what went on during that time:
  1. After only being given two days at work (although I asked for 4), I decided to volunteer at my local library. Now, on Wednesdays and Thursdays, I walk to town and basically do whatever they tell me to do. If I was smart I would have gotten an actual job, but apparently I like being broke.
  2. I might have finally convinced my dad why having any sort of contact with my biological mother is a horrible idea. This of course was only made possible by my breaking down in tears after screaming at each other, but whatever works.
  3. Realizing that her plans to get in touch with me through my dad were failing, the bio-mom resorted to the Internet, stalking my facebook and myspace. As a result, I have made my profile unsearchable on FB, deleted my myspace, as a precautionary measure I deleted my twitter (which I am super pissed about), and removed any trace of my last name from this here blog. Basically I am un-googleable.
  4. I had the most amazing weekend in Boston. It only took me 7 hours to get there, but it was well worth it. It was my sorority's 30th anniversary and so many of the sisters came together for a reunion. Although most of us hadn't met before, the bond between all of us was obvious. I cannot wait for the next reunion. And having three days with my Big didn't hurt either.
That's the big stuff.... Coming up in my life there is the Merians family reunion thingy this weekend at my house (kill me now) and next weekend some of my favorites are coming over to celebrate father's day. I'm thinking having Vicki and Tracy around me will make up for the major suckfest that will be this weekend.

1 comment:

  1. hey, come back. i miss you. can i just carry you around like my joey?
