5 Celebrities I'd Allow to Impregnate me:
1. Chris Pine
Positives: Killer smile. Gorgeous eyes. Looks good in Ray-Bans
Negative: Recently went on a date with Audrina from The Hills so along with getting me pregnant he'd probably give me herpes as well
2. Jared Followill
Positives: Self taught musician. Gorgeous eyes. Looks good in Ray-Bans
Negative: Seems to really like his alcohol so with my genetics our kid would probably end up addicted to something before his or her 10th birthday
3. Jensen Ackles
Positives: Southern gentleman. Gorgeous eyes. Claims to be packing
Negative: I'm pretty sure my father would rather I get an abortion then give birth to the child of a Cowboys fan
4. Eric Dane
Positives: Rides a motorcycle. Gorgeous eyes. Built
Negative: Went grey early leading him to look much older than he actually is, no mother wants to inflict that on her child
5. Taylor Kitsch
Positives: Dirty sense of humor. Gorgeous eyes. Athletic
Negative: He's Canadian
What I learned from making this list (other than the fact that I'm insane which I already knew): I apparently have a thing for guys with nice eyes.