Friday, April 3, 2009

Things You Really Don't Need To Know About Me

Rather than doing a whole diatrabe about myself, I decided to finally do the "25 Random Things" thing floating around Facebook.

1. I'm known to obsess about things... hardcore. If anything peaks my interest I make it my mission to know everything about it. Current obsession, Kings of Leon.

2. I was named after "Sara Smile," a song by Hall & Oates. Daryll Hall wrote it about his then girlfriend Sara Allen. She now not only has a song written about her, but a child named after her as well.

3. I have a fear of walking down a flight of stairs. If I can't hold onto a banister I have to mentally prepare myself.

4. During high school I wrote a ridiculous amount of teen angst poetry. I truly thought I was going to get published. I had a pen name picked out and everything.

5. There is a good chance if I have nothing else to do, I will be either organizing my iTunes or making a playlist. For some reason I find it relaxing.

6. I am a human pretzel. I can lock both of my ankles behind my head. If you're friends with me on Facebook, you can find photographic proof.

7. Though I love music, I am neither vocally or instrumentally inclined. It took a few years of vocal lessons, musical theater, and attempts at the trumpet, violin, clarinet, guitar, and viola to come to this conclusion.

8. Though I've been known to be kind of bossy, I have a tendency to seek out friendships where I can take the subordinate role.

9. When I'm wearing headphones I lose the ability to control the volume of my voice.

10. I used to plan my birthday party months in advance. What actually ended up happening never matched the original plans.

11. When I'm home Sunday is my favorite day of the week. Why? Because it's bagel day.

12. In sixth grade I convinced everyone at school (students and teachers alike) to call me Nikki (short for my middle name, Nicole). I conveiniently forgot to mention this to my parents, so when they went to school for parent's night they were highly confused about why people were talking to them about a girl named Nikki.

13. I'm an incredibly territorial person. I get jealous if people I conisder "mine" pay more attention to someone else. I'm the same way with my favorite bands, books, tv shows, etc.

14. Though I crush easily, I've never been in love.

15. Even though she gets on my nerves sometimes, my gramma is my favorite person in the world, followed by my aunt vicki, followed by cousin michael. I try my best to express this to them, but I don't think they know how much I love them.

16. I am a very messy person, but I love organizing.

17. My favorite part of going back to school has always been school supply shopping. Nothing makes me happier than getting new pens and notebooks.

18. Before starting and finishing high school at OLVA, the longest I'd attended the same school was for two years (kindergarden and 1st grade at Benjiman Franklin Elementry school in Edison, NJ).

19. My favorite part of having friends is probably inside jokes.

20. Nothing can make me cry like an amazing song. The last one to turn me into a blubbering idiot was "Cold Desert" by Kings of Leon.

21. "I want to be divorced and living with two children on Central Park West" - Wendy Wasserstein.

22. College has robbed me of my love of reading.

23. For some reason, crossing the Mason Dixon line turns me into a raving bitch. I don't know if it's the heat or because it's impossible to get a minute to myself when I'm in Hilton Head, but it's not a good time to be around me.

24. I'm scared shitless of the future. I'm constantly fighting off the thought that I'll never be able to become successful in the career i've chosen for myself.

25. When I started this entry, I thought it was a fantastic idea. I've come to the conclusion that I'm an idiot.

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